Borobudur Golden Sunrise Tours

Sunrise view from this hill is very beautiful with the foreground and the emergence of Borobudur temple at sunrise or between mountain peaks Merbabu and mount Merapi.

Welcome to Bromo Sunrise Tour

Bromo is one of favourite tourist destinatioan in Java especially in East Java.

Pindul Cave Tubbing - Yogyakarta Adventure Tourism

Cave tubing tour in Pindul you should not miss when you travel in Yogyakarta.

What to see in Yogyakarta ?

Yogyakarta offers beautiful natural scenery to be seen and enjoyed.

Yogyakarta Java

Yogyakarta Special Province (DIY) is a tourist destination that is very diverse culture including archaeological remains .

Malioboro Street

Malioboro Street is the street name in the city of Yogyakarta, which stretches from Tugu Yogyakarta up to the intersection of Post Office Yogyakarta which consists as imaginary lines Kraton shaft.

Prambanan temple

Prambanan Temple Compounds. Built in the 10th century, this is the largest temple compound dedicated to Shiva in Indonesia.

Taman Sari Water Castle

Taman Sari also known as Taman Sari Water Castle is a site of a former royal garden of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta

Cycling Tours and Villages Tourism Activity In Yogyakarta

Cling Tours is a Tour and travel company which especially provides Cycling Tours and Villages Tours Activity Package in Yogyakarta. Traveler can enjoy and feel amazing adventure village activities..

Java Heritage Tour

TOUR AND TRANSPORT SERVICES contact: Agus Rohmad Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 52295EEC Email:

Welcome to Java Heritage Tour.

If you missed this moment....then you gotta wait ....plan organize your
your reliable partner Please Contact:
- Agus Rohmad
- Telp/ WA: +62 819 155 342 86
- Pin BB: 52295EEC - Email:

Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

Borobudur Tours (a transit tour package)

Borobudur Tours (a transit tour package) Borobudur tour package programs or transit is intended as a service for those who wish to visit Borobudur and Yogyakarta with the time between landing at yogyakarta airport in the morning and back to the airport departure in the afternoon. Because you do not stayovernight in Yogyakarta then we will guide you with effective trip but does not reduce the comfortable for you enjoy the beauty of the ancient culture of Indonesia in Yogyakarta.
Borobudur Tours
Borobudur Tours

Ninth-century Borobudur, the largest Buddhist monument in the world, is one of the most complex structures erected in ancient times. Built by Java's Buddhist rulers, it served as a pilgrimage point to teach the masses about the nature of human suffering, reincarnation, and enlightenment. This richly illustrated volume provides a comprehensive introduction to Borobudur's history and symbolism, including the Buddhist tales depicted in the 1,460 exquisite relief panels that line the lower terrace walls.

Borobudur Tours (a transit tour package) also served you who landed at Semarang Airport or Semarang Port, but without visit to Prambanan Temple.
Monumental sights in this tour package is Borobudur temple and Prambanan temple. Therefore, we will bring you to the both place plus at one lunch stop. Details of his journey more or less as follows :

> landing at Yogyakarta airport             7 AM
> visit Borobudur Temple                        8.30 AM - 10 AM
> visit Sultan Palace                                11.30 AM - 12.30 AM
> lunch at restaurant nearby sultan palace
> visit Prambanan temple                       2 PM - 3.30 PM
> airport departure                                   4 PM
if you want more tight schedule then we can skip trip to Sultan Palace, so it's very hoply you can tell me soonest your flight arrival time and flight departure time for me to arrange all in best accuracy time schedule. Those time itinerary valid only in normal season, not in high season (around Idul Fitri days, old and new year).

driver yogyakarta


contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F


Jumat, 24 Januari 2014

Manohara Hotel for Borobudur Sunrise

Manohara Hotel for Borobudur SunriseManohara hotel is a hotel with very beautiful landscapes, surrounded by rice fields, palm trees, and is very close to borobudur temple. The air surrounding the hotel still very fresh, with morning mists that feels toward you in every corner hotel. Very suitable for for those who wants to indulge themselves with natural Indonesian hospitality, tranquility, and ofcourse privacy.
Manohara hotel built only in one floor, there is no second floor or more. All made of beautiful rooms and if your room in west side than while you sitting on terrace of your room you can enjoy view of Borobudur temple. 
Manohara Hotel for Borobudur Sunrise
Manohara Hotel for Borobudur Sunrise

Manohara hotel offer a very exclusive attractive : Borobudur Sunrise, where we can see stunning and awesome sunrise from the top of Borobudur Temple. Manohara give a special pass to enter the temple at 4.30, before public visitor comes. You will walk from hotel to Borobudur with a pre-dawn stroll through the dewy grass of a lush tropical garden. A journey to your satisfaction !!

The price for sunrise (valid at January 2014) :
a. Foreign visitor : IDR 380 K per-person
b. Indonesian : IDR 250 K per-person
c. In house manohara hotel guest who staying in : IDR 230 K per-person
But we don't arrange for hotel booking if you plan to stay there, please you book by yourself.
Manohara Hotel for Borobudur Sunrise
Manohara Hotel for Borobudur Sunrise

Yogyakarta driver  was a yogyakarta private driver who doing bussiness in transportation serving and english speaking driver, will serve you to :
a. Transfered from airport to Manohara Hotel or vice versa >> cost: IDR 250 K/car
b. Yogyakarta Tour Package, that we will give you nice transportation rates
    You can compare with about our quotation ofcourse
Please don't be hesitate to contact me to make nice disscussion and arrange together for your trip in Yogyakarta, Borobudur Sunrise, Prambanan, and others yogyakarta tourism place.
If you think you need Japan Guide, Korean Guide, Russian Guide, we have it...just tell me in your email if you want accompany by guide who flent in those language. Ofcourse there is different price to hire those language guide.

driver yogyakarta


contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F


Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

Watercastle Tamansari

Watercastle Tamansari- Taman Sari - Yogyakarta was first established in 1758 and is the first idea of Prince Mangkubumi (later titled Hamengkubuwono I) and also Raden Ronggo Prawirosentiko (Madiun) as the architect, and Demang Tegis (Portuguese native who graduated from the kingdom) as structure experts.
Watercastle Tamansari
Watercastle Tamansari

Taman Sari - Yogyakarta is not only a recreational park which became the royal family of that era, but also has a variety of functions which are also used as an area Camouflage against his enemies, and also became a bastion of the system, but it is also used as a place for meditation for the Kings, a place to make batik made ​​by the king's concubines and daughters of the King, a place for the royal army military training and much more. Castle then widely referred to as the Water Palace (water castle) that because of the value and uniqueness of the architecture of the building and the grooves are filled with pond water pond. Role in history is conveyed by some people who become your Water Castle mentions that the park is used by the king of Mataram (Yogyakarta) to take a bath in certain months. There is little mysticism going on around the pool area at the time. When the King was about to enter the Water Castle then greeted with gamelan music sung from small buildings on the right and left in front of the Water Castle. Then there are certain ceremonies to welcome the King and the people who want to get into the Water Castle.
Watercastle Tamansari
Watercastle Tamansari

Taman Sari consists of:
1. The Sacred Room
There is the sacred place in the complex showing a separated building, which once functioned as a hermitage place for the Sultan and his family.

2. The Bathing Pool
This part was formerly a pleasure place for the royal family. Consists of two bathing pool that are separated with a 2-storey building. From this building the Sultan watched all the women swimming in the outer pool. Then he might ask some of them to accompany him into the inner pool. The water sprouts from a forming animal statue into the pool. The pool is also adorned with some big flowerpots.

3. Kenanga or Cemeti Island
This part compounds of some buildings such as Kenanga or Cemeti Island (forming Island), Sumur Gemuling and underground tunnels.
Taman Sari was once a beautiful and sophisticated water-park that long time years ago was also called as ‘Segaran’ which is in the Javanese word means artificial sea.

Watercastle Tamansari
Watercastle Tamansari

There are several elements that influence the architecture of the buildings is Taman Sari complex, including the influence of Hindu and Buddhist, Javanese and Islamic, Chinese, Portuguese and European style, can be seen from some parts of the building. Wall paint used is natural from brick pounded, mixed with limestone. Be beautiful classic color. 
Taman Sari - Yogyakarta has two main gates, which is a Gapuro the Great (which contained western section) and Gapuro Stage (located on the East, which is currently used as the main entrance to the complex location of Taman Sari). The shape of the gates or 'Gapuro'nya is indeed very beautiful and original style of Java, on the details of this Gapuro is the original motive of Java such as stylized tendrils of plants, birds, tail and wings of an eagle.
In Tamansari there is building called Gedong Sekawan. Gedong Sekawan it as a place to play or rest the daughters of the king and the king 's concubines in groups . Usually the princess will conduct its activities , such as painting nails , in gedong Sekawan it . To paint your nails , princesses will use kikit orange . Where the orange trees grow around the Sekawan gedong . Short growing citrus trees with small leaves , henna leaves much like wood that is used for nail polish . Citrus fruit , which is used to paint the nails , shape into small round red when ripe and green when young . The shape is very small. While kikit lime leaves , can be used as a cough medicine . In addition there are citrus trees that grow around gedong kikit Gang , there is also growing trees such thing Kepel . Where there dibatang fruit - tree trunks , much like the sapodilla fruit , both magnitude and color. Bear fruit only once a year . Kepel fruit is usually eaten by the daughters of the king , as an odor remover and facilitate menstruation . While pregnant women are forbidden to eat the fruit Kepel , because it can cause miscarriage . While leaves can Kepel fruit as a remedy for go out .

After visit Tamansari, the main tour destination in Yogyakarta was Prambanan Temple. And if you feel need lunch, I recommend stunning restaurant that built at riverside - nearby Prambanan temple (see picture below). Good food, healthy, fresh food, and clean. The special menu there "carp fish grill", all my guest like that place for lunch and rileks enjoying river view with bamboos around...

driver yogyakarta


contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F


Senin, 20 Januari 2014

Sunrise Bromo Tour

Sunrise Bromo Tour - Paket Gunung Bromo Sunrise Tour ini melayani kunjungan wisata dari Surabaya ( kedatangan penerbangan Juanda Airport atau Stasiun di Surabaya ) ke Gunung Bromo. Pemandangan sunrise di Bromo memang menakjubkan baik bagi turis domestik dan turis asing yang ingin menikmati suasana dingin alami dan memiliki keindahan eksotis dengan sunrise di G.Pananjakan dan G.Bromo yang memiliki kawah aktif. Keindahan alam sunrise di Bromo sangat sulit diceritakan kalau Anda belum menyaksikan sendiri di lokasi tersebut. 
Sunrise Bromo Tour
Sunrise Bromo Tour

Kami memiliki team driver yang berada di Yogyakarta, Bromo, dan Lombok. Oleh karena itu perjalanan Anda akan ditemani dengan driver (team kami) yang ramah, aman, sopan, dan penuh solusi perjalanan (dapat menjadi teman diskusi yang hangat). Kami menawarkan paket khusus ini untuk akomodasi transport dan penginapan, tidak termasuk makan karena selera makan setiap orang berbeda-beda sehingga akan lebih nyaman dan mudah jika Anda membeli sendiri menu makanan yang ada.

Paket Yogyakarta - Bromo - Yogyakarta (tidak menginap)
Paket tour bromo sunrise ini termasuk paket "murah" karena start dari Yogyakarta jam 15, sampai Bromo jam 02.00, jam 03.00 sudah start untuk sunrise bromo dan selesai tour bromo jam 9.30. Selesai berkemas langsung kembali ke Yogyakarta dan sampai Yogyakarta sekitar jam 22.
Biaya paket ini hanya untuk mobil-driver-BBM-parkir-tiket masuk bromo.

Paket Surabaya - Bromo 
Kami akan menjemput Anda di airport Juanda-Surabaya atau stasiun Gubeng/Pasar Turi-Surabaya. Kami merekomendasikan Anda masuk Surabaya di sore hari, kemudian menempuh perjalanan sekitar 4 jam ke Bromo. Anda masih dapat menyaksikan Lumpur Lapindo di Sidoarjo jika waktu masih memungkinkan sebelum melanjutkan ke Bromo.
Sesampainya di Bromo Anda akan tinggal di hotel atau homestay (sesuai pilihan Anda) dan akan memulai perjalanan sunrise Bromo pada jam 03.00 pagi dengan jeep Bromo. Perjalanan menikmati sunrise G. Penanjakan dan lain-lain akan berakhir pada sekitar jam 9.30 pagi lalu kembali ke hotel/homestay Anda. Setelah rileks, bersih-bersih Anda check out dan kami antar kembali ke Surabaya sesuai jadwal keberangkatan pesawat atau kereta api Anda. 

Paket Probolinggo - Bromo 
Kami akan menjemput Anda di stasiun atau terminal Probolinggo Kami merekomendasikan Anda masuk Probolinggo di sore hari, kemudian menempuh perjalanan sekitar 1,5 - 2 jam ke Bromo. Sesampainya di Bromo Anda akan tinggal di hotel atau homestay (sesuai pilihan Anda) dan akan memulai perjalanan sunrise Bromo pada jam 03.00 pagi dengan jeep Bromo. Perjalanan menikmati sunrise G. Penanjakan dan lain-lain akan berakhir pada sekitar jam 9.30 pagi lalu kembali ke hotel/homestay Anda. Setelah rileks, bersih-bersih Anda check out dan kami antar kembali ke stasiun/terminal Probolinggo.

Paket Surabaya - Bromo - Yogyakarta
Paket ini adalah paket tour panjang, dan umumnya dipilih oleh wisatawan asing, meskipun ada juga beberapa wisatawan domestik yang memakai paket ini. Paket ini merupakan gabungan dari paket perjalanan Surabaya - Bromo dan dilanjutkan dengan perjalanan Bromo - Yogyakarta memakai kereta api. Kami memilih paket kereta api agar Anda dapat beristirahat sambil menikmati perjalanan Surabaya - Yogyakarta yang melewati banyak stasiun-stasiun tua.

Sunrise Bromo Tour
Sunrise Bromo Tour

Perjalanan kereta api dari Surabaya sekitar jam 3 PM dan akan sampai stasiun Yogyakarta sekitar jam 8.45 PM. Di stasiun Tugu-Yogyakarta team driver kami akan menjemput Anda untuk diantar ke hotel pilihan Anda. Dan keesokan harinya Anda akan memulai perjalanan wisata budaya dan alam yang tak kalah menarik dari daerah wisata lainnya karena Yogyakarta memiliki banyak sekali peninggalan budaya kuno spektakuler, gunung berapi aktif, cave tubbing, juga pantai-pantai.

Kami akan mengurus semua detail perjalanan Anda sejak kedatangan di airport Juanda Surabaya - Bromo - Yogyakarta.

driver yogyakarta


contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F


Minggu, 19 Januari 2014

Cokelat MONGGO Yogyakarta

Cokelat MONGGO Yogyakarta Cokelat Monggo diproduksi di Yogyakarta, Indonesia dan disiapkan oleh ahli cokelat yang menjunjung tinggi tradisi dalam membuat cokelat. Semua produksi cokelat Monggo terbuat dari premium dark cokelat dengan mentega kakao murni. Cokelat Monggo diolah dari biji kakao pilihan dari perkebunan di Jawa, Sumatera, dan Sulawesi. Setiap varian produk memiliki keunikan dari cita rasa asli bahan-bahan Indonesia yang merupakan kreasi dari ahli cokelat Belgia di rumah produksinya di Yogyakarta.
Coklat Monggo Yogyakarta
Coklat Monggo Yogyakarta

"Monggo" adalah kata yang mengekspresikan keramahan khas tradisi Jawa. Semua produk Monggo alami dan hampir seluruh kemasannya menggunakan kertas daur ulang dan kertas bersertifikat FSC. Monggo mengurangi sebanyak mungkin penggunaan plastik dalam proses produksinya. Kita dapat menemukan berbagai macam merek coklat di supermarket, jadi bagaimana kita bisa memilih mana yang akan Anda beli? Tentu Anda selalu lebih baik membeli kualitas cokelatyang baik.

Kualitas cokelat sebagian besar tergantung pada persentase kakao dan cocoa butter yang digunakan untuk fabrikasi. Cokelat murah memiliki tingkat rendah kakao dan lemak nabati yang digunakan sebagai pengganti cocoa butter. Rasa miskin dan cokelat biasanya menempel pada gigi dan lidah. Sebuah cokelat berkualitas baik akan meleleh di mulut Anda dan akan memberikan kesenangan yang besar. Cokelat Monggo terbuat dari cokelat  kualitas yang sangat baik. Jika Anda suka rasa manis Anda dapat memilih untuk membeli coklat susu atau coklat putih, tetapi jika Anda lebih suka rasa coklat yang kuat, Anda dapat memilih cokelat hitam dengan minimal 50% dari kakao dan menikmati dengan secangkir kopi yang baik.
Coklat Monggo Yogya
Coklat Monggo Yogya

Kualitas tinggi dan ramah lingkungan dengan citarasa khas Monggo menjadikannya pilihan utama dan produk istimewa dari Indonesia. Lengkapi perjalanan wisata Anda dengan mengunjungi produksi Cokelat Monggo di Yogyakarta bersama jasa kami :

driver yogyakarta


contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F


Senin, 13 Januari 2014

Pottery Village Kasongan Yogyakarta

Pottery Village Kasongan Yogyakarta - Kasongan is the name of a popular tourist destination in the district of Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Province which is famous for its pottery crafts . The craft of pottery produced by Kasongan generally in the form of jars with various motifs ( peacocks, dragons , roses and many others ) , pots of various sizes ( from small to shoulder the size of an adult ) , souvenirs , picture frames , wall hangings , furniture such as tables and chairs , table decorations, and vases. All of these come in unique shapes and different sizes. Also, you can find souvenirs such as becak or temple miniatures, human-like statues, ashtrays, and hand-fan.etc. But then developing varied products include artificial flowers from banana leaves , bamboo furnishings , mask  and many others . The result of such a craft good quality and have been exported to foreign countries such as Europe and America . Usually this village is visited by tourists visiting Yogyakarta .
Pottery Village Kasongan Yogyakarta
Pottery Village Kasongan Yogyakarta

Kasongan Yogyakarta
Kasongan Yogyakarta

At the beginning of this ceramic has no style at all . But the dead horse legend inspired the craftsmen to create horse motif on many products , especially horses pottery or inclined conveyor complete with a basket that is placed on a horse , apart from the motive frog , rooster and elephant . One of the well-known ceramic ornaments are a pair of wedding statue sitting politely . This pair of statues known as "Loroblonyo" which was first created by the studio owned Loroblonyo Walujo pack . The statue was adopted from a pair of statues belonging to the Kraton bride

driver yogyakarta


contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F


Kamis, 09 Januari 2014

Batik Yogyakarta Clothes

Batik Yogyakarta Clothes - If you traveled to visit an area, more than a day, of course you want to get as much information about your tourist destination, so when you are there then you will get a complete everything from attractions, culinary, merchandise, and others including know the type of clothing the location destination.

Yogyakarta has a distinctive motif is batik fabric YOGYAKARTA different with batik motifs in other areas. When you are in Yogyakarta, and buy clothes or souvenirs of batik cloth, then there will be a lot of motives batik. On this website we provide information about the endeavor in Yogyakarta batik along with the meaning of these classic motifs. Of which we show are the original/classic batik motive and not contemporary motifs. Instead you have a batik shirt with a origin /classic motif, you are including the savior world culture.

"Batik" originated from the palace. It used to be made by the royal female. This batik soga color (brown) and made ​​for the royal family. How to make batik cloth there are several kinds. Batik motifs created by painting on fabric using canting called "batik tulis" (manual wax-resist dyeing technique). Other one, there are also batik made ​​with stamped or printed for mass-produce. Of course the price is also a relative from each process.

However, nothing can truly achieve the quality and authenticity of a piece of batik tulis, where just two meters can take between 3 months to create.

(several of) BATIK YOGYAKARTA :

CUWIRI Pattern
Dyes : Natural Soga
Uses : as a "Semek'an" and Kemben. Wear during the ceremony "mitoni"
Elements Motif : Meru, Gurda
Philosophy : Cuwiri means small, expected that the wearer looks worthy and respected
CUWIRI Pattern
CUWIRI Pattern

Dyes : Natural Soga
Uses : as a cloth in a marriage ceremony
Elements Motif : Gurda
Philosophy : It is expected that the adequacy and happiness always.
SIDO means continuously or be and MUKTI means living in affluent and happiness. so we can conclude this motif melambangka hope for a better future, full of happiness under on the bride and groom.

KAWUNG Pattern
Dyes : Naphtol
Uses : as Long Cloth
Elements Motif : Geometric
Philosophy : Commonly used as a symbol of the king and his family courage and justice
KAWUNG Pattern
KAWUNG Pattern

Dyes : Naphtol
Uses : as a cloth when the ring exchange
Elements Motifs : Parang, Mlinjon
Typical Characteristics : scrapings
Philosophy : "kusumo" means the flowers are in bloom, it is expected the wearer look beautiful

Dyes : Natural Soga
Uses : Used at weddings
Typical Characteristics : scrapings
Philosophy : "truntum" means to lead , parents are expected to lead the bride and groom .


Arguably truntum motif is a symbol of love that blossomed again . According to the story , this motif was created by a queen of Sultan Palace.
The Queen who has been loved and pampered by the King , was forgotten by the King who has had a new lover . To pass the time and relieve the sadness , the Queen began to make. Queen unconsciously make star-shaped motif in a dark sky , which had been with him in solitude. Queen persistence in batik attract the King who then began to approach the Queen to see how to make batik. Since it constantly monitors the development of batik king queen , little steps by little steps affection towards the Queen King grows back . Thanks to this motif king love blossomed again, so the motive is named Truntum , as a symbol of King's re-blossomed love.

Implies fortitude and should withstand live concerned even if hit by rain and heat. Thus for married life, especially for the newlyweds, to be bold and willing to live concerned when many obstacles and trials, the proverbial hit by rain and heat, may not be easy to complain. All the obstacles and hurdles that must be faced and solved together.

driver yogyakarta


contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F
