Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

Java Heritage Tour

Java Heritage Tour We provide a yogyakarta private driver to accompany you who didn't want to be handcuffed with such a tight time if you follow the tour in a large group. The advantages of this type of private tour is flexible to specify your destination, flexibility to stop wherever yogyakarta interesting place, efficient, and also flexible about the time. Why efficient ? Because our business is not under another company or as agency, this business is ours, and we worked with a simple but solid team. 

Planning a trip during the holidays was so much fun, especially if during the excursions you are assisted by a local person who serves in addition as your private tour driver, who also can as tour arrangement, familiar, friendly, fun, secure and save, and full solutions if problems arise during the journey.

After you surfing in internet to search java heritage tour or yogyakarta private driver who had excellent experienced for ground handling tours, and decided to use me, then you just simply declare confirmed via e-mail submissions to:

contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F

Email: agusrohmad@yahoo.com

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