Borobudur Golden Sunrise Tours

Sunrise view from this hill is very beautiful with the foreground and the emergence of Borobudur temple at sunrise or between mountain peaks Merbabu and mount Merapi.

Welcome to Bromo Sunrise Tour

Bromo is one of favourite tourist destinatioan in Java especially in East Java.

Pindul Cave Tubbing - Yogyakarta Adventure Tourism

Cave tubing tour in Pindul you should not miss when you travel in Yogyakarta.

What to see in Yogyakarta ?

Yogyakarta offers beautiful natural scenery to be seen and enjoyed.

Yogyakarta Java

Yogyakarta Special Province (DIY) is a tourist destination that is very diverse culture including archaeological remains .

Malioboro Street

Malioboro Street is the street name in the city of Yogyakarta, which stretches from Tugu Yogyakarta up to the intersection of Post Office Yogyakarta which consists as imaginary lines Kraton shaft.

Prambanan temple

Prambanan Temple Compounds. Built in the 10th century, this is the largest temple compound dedicated to Shiva in Indonesia.

Taman Sari Water Castle

Taman Sari also known as Taman Sari Water Castle is a site of a former royal garden of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta

Cycling Tours and Villages Tourism Activity In Yogyakarta

Cling Tours is a Tour and travel company which especially provides Cycling Tours and Villages Tours Activity Package in Yogyakarta. Traveler can enjoy and feel amazing adventure village activities..

Java Heritage Tour

TOUR AND TRANSPORT SERVICES contact: Agus Rohmad Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 52295EEC Email:

Welcome to Java Heritage Tour.

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- Agus Rohmad
- Telp/ WA: +62 819 155 342 86
- Pin BB: 52295EEC - Email:

Senin, 30 September 2013

Surakarta (Solo) Tour Package

Solo (international name : Surakarta) has several interested place to visit. The most popular destination in Solo are : Sukuh Temple, Ceto Temple, Waterfall Cemoro Sewu, Mangkunegaran Palace, Kraton Solo (Solo Palace). Trip to Solo need full day tour (from early morning until afternoon) because Yogyakarta - Solo takes 2 hours by car and Solo - temples takes 1.5 hours. I do recommend that you stay a night at Solo after Yogyakarta trip, so next day you can visit all destinations in Solo with relax - no rush hour to go back Yogyakarta.  

a. Sukuh Temple
An unique temple explain human fertility with the art lover. When someone says a taboo, it really naif that says so. Besides, this temple is same popular in the art of lovemaking as a portrait of what is written in the book of Kamasutra. In this area also there is a beautiful stone relief about economic activity at that time : iron home industry.
Sukuh Tample

Sukuh built around the end of the glory days of Majapahit. Majapahit royal administrative center in the village Trowulan able to talk to this Sukuh. Borobudur temple, the Temple of Queen Boko, the kingdom of Demak was so from the glory of Majapahit. Borobudur temple when a religious ceremony, and temple Brahu was temple fpr cremation ash storage Hindus-Buddhists, but Sukuh we can say temple of fertility and temple art of lovemaking.

There is still much to be investigated about the relationship of this temple to temple in other countries, such as India affiliated Sangsekerta posts in Kamasutra book and the building of the Maya in Central America. Try also consider building Inca culture in Peru. Sukuh impossible when there is no relation with the culture of other countries. How is it possible in countries very distant, to create buildings and ornaments erostis almost the same as in Sukuh?

b. Ceto Temple
Cetho is a Hindu temple relics patterned end of Majapahit era (15th century). The first scientific report about him made ​​by Van de Vlies in 1842. A.J. Bernet Kempers also do research about it. Excavation (trenching) for the purposes of reconstruction was first performed in 1928 by the Archaeological Department of the Dutch East Indies.
Cetho Temple

Under the circumstances when the rubble started to study, this temple has the age that does away with Sukuh. Location of the temple is located in the hamlet of Ceto, Gumeng Village, District Jenawi, Karanganyar. As a place of worship of Lord Shiva, the temple is decorated with statues phallusyang a symbol of Shiva. There is also a statue of Brawijaya V and his advisors and stone structure shaped phallus and yoni measuring two meters. Trapezoid-shaped main building is in the top terrace.
Cetho temple driver Yogyakarta

Before we arrive at Ceto Temple, we pass wide tea plantation that's very nice scenery. And in the corner of tea pantation there is a "house of tea" called NDORO DONGKER. That is really best place to enjoying tea plantation, rilex, fresh air, best tea to try (only tea - not milk tea), with old style house of tea.

b. Mangkunegaran Palace
Istana (palace) Mangkunegaran is a well known palace in Solo or Surakarta besides Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat. Mangkunegaran sites are located at the center area of the city. From outside, this palace is hidden from a high wall that was built surround the palace. As we are walking into the palace from the entrance door we will find a giant traditional Javanese building which is called as “Pendapa”. Three sets of “gamelan” are arranged neatly inside the pendapa. Once in a week (Wednesday at 10 a.m.), there is a dance performance held in this Pendapa. Next to the pendapa visitor may look around the exhibition room in the main building where private collections from the previous kings are kept and exhibited. There are jewelries, photos, weapon, accessories, and more collections displayed inside this room. Next to the exhibition room visitor will be guided to the places inside the main building like palace garden and dining room and meeting room. The last place to go is a room placed at the east side of the palace, where all the Mangkunegaran’s carriages are kept and treated.
Mangkunegaran Place

Istana Mangkunegaran (Mangkunegaran Palace) was built in 1757 by the first Mangkunegara or Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Mangkunegara I. The exact location of this palace is at Jalan Ronggo Warsito, Surakarta.


contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F


Rabu, 25 September 2013

Yogyakarta to Borobudur

Yogyakarta to Borobudur was majority tourism trip in Yogyakarta Tourism. Ninth-century Borobudur, the largest Buddhist monument in the world, is one of the most complex structures erected in ancient times. Built by Java's Buddhist rulers, it served as a pilgrimage point to teach the masses about the nature of human suffering, reincarnation, and enlightenment. This richly illustrated volume provides a comprehensive introduction to Borobudur's history and symbolism, including the Buddhist tales depicted in the 1,460 exquisite relief panels that line the lower terrace walls.
Borobudur Temple
Borobudur Temple

When you planned to visit somewhere, offcourse you will be account almost everything, included time, distance, etc. Yogyakarta to Borobudur  could be taken with several ways :

a. hire car rental with good driver who fluent in english
Borobudur destination can be accumulated with visit to mount merapi tour,sultan palace, and 2 more other tour destination in downtown Yogyakarta. The cost : IDR 500.000,- (only for car, driver, petrol, parking)
        > That price only for car which contents maximum 5 persons only (Toyota Avanza)
b. by regular taxi
    It will be more high cost than options (a)
c. if you solo traveller, you can hire rent motor bike
    For rent motor bike only with : IDR 80.000

Among Yogyakarta to Borobudur, we will pass Muntilan area, that many stone statue maker. Perhaps, they are generation from Borobudur statue maker in that time. Right now, they are not only make Buddha statue but also many things from stone.
Yogyakarta to Borobudur
Yogyakarta to Borobudur

And if we feel tired and hungry after climb Borobudur temple even you allready given free mineral drink from Borobudur Park Management (see picture), we can enjoy various nice food menu at warung/kedai/small traditional restaurant - still inside Borobudur Park area like picture below, that warung was favourite for foreigners and also Indonesian. Indonesian traditional food menu, pan cake, etc.
Then if you want to relax exploring villages arround Borobudur, you can hire "andong" (see picture with horse). You can see many rice fields, home crafts, and other scenery villages, while you sit on andong and also hearing the horse pull your andong.

driver yogyakarta


contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F


Minggu, 22 September 2013

Pindul Cave Tubbing - Yogyakarta Adventure Tourism

Pindul Cave Tubbing - Yogyakarta Adventure Tourism - Cave tubing tour in Pindul you should not miss when you travel in Yogyakarta. Although this extreme tour, but this tour is safe. Pindul itself is in the village Bejiharjo, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Pindul is a series of seven rivers in the area below.
Pindul Cave Tubbing
Pindul Cave Tubbing

Pindul has 3 zones: the zone light, dim zones and dark zones. Pindul cave tubing tour is actually almost the same as smooth rafting. Travel requires river rafting rapids and raft, while the cave tubing tour down the river using tires in the quiet streams.

Pindul beauty in you can see the cave tubing tour. Pindul cave tubing tour takes 45 minutes with a route length of approximately 300 meters. Here you can see the beauty of stalagmites and stalactites in the cave and lodged in it bats.

When you enter the cave, you will be treated to views of the "light of heaven". So called because it is said you can see the sunlight coming through the large hole in the cave. In the light zone, you can swim or diving. In addition you can see the fish that live in the river basin. At the end of the journey, you will see stalagmites and stalactites together so it looks like a giant pillar. You can also enjoy the stalagmites and stalagtitnya droplets are believed to make the young. The water is not too cold and the cool cave air increase the sensation of serenity you traveled.

Beside Pindul Cave, Yogyakarta also have Kalisuci Cave Tubbing and Jomblang Cave that both very cool adventure you can get.

driver yogyakarta


contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F


Ramayana Ballet

Ramayana Ballet  - This Ramayana Ballet (read : traditional javanese dance) is deliberatelly presented without dialogues and narrations, such a puppeteer comments, and relies instead on dance expression alone to tell its story. Through that physical expression, it is expected that foreign audiens who didn't know the javanesse or Indonesian will still be able to comprehend the story's messages. The term "Ballet Ramayana" that was in use until about 1962 was changed to "Sendratari Ramayana" following suggestion of Anjasmara, a playwright. The word sendratari is an abbreviation of the words seni (art), drama (play), and tari (dance) which together mean a play that is presented in dances.

The show of Ramayana Ballet in 2 places, first in Prambanan Temple area and second in Purawisata, downtown Yogyakarta. The image below was show in Prambanan Temple. Both show start at 7.30 PM - 9.30 PM. In Prambanan there is no show in Monday night but in down town Yogyakarta you can see every night also quite far from your hotel, but in Purawisata was closer. Cost for show at Prambanan area IDR 300 K per-person without dinner and at Purawisata IDR 350 K with dinner. These price can be change by their management without prior notice.

If you hire me as your tour guide and driver, you can also book with me for Ramayana Ballet show and tell me which the show place is that you choosed (Prambanan area or in Purawisata area).
driver yogyakarta


contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F


Kamis, 19 September 2013

Fort Wilhem I Ambarawa

Fort Wilhem I Ambarawa - Wilhem 1 Ambarawa fort, Semarang is een van de aantrekkelijke toeristische bestemming, met een prachtig bouwwerk is nog steeds solide, is een levensvatbare aanwinst voor de geschiedenis te bewaren.

Ambarawa stad is een van de districten in Semarang regentschap. Naast bekend als files, is de stad ook bekend voor het hebben van een belangrijke geschiedenis in Midden-Java. In de jaren 1840 toen de VOC-gezag in Midden-Java, Ambarawa een strategisch aspunt tussen Semarang en Surakarta. In het begin van de 18e eeuw, de VOC bouwde een fort langs de Semarang - Oenarang (nu Unggaran) - Salatiga - Surakarta (Solo). Dit ontwerp is bedoeld voor de ontwikkeling van de betrekkingen met het Koninkrijk van Mataram. Militaire kampen werden ook gebouwd in de steden, die voorbij is, niet in het minst Ambarawa.

Tijdens de regering van kolonel Hoorn, in 1827-1830, was er een militaire kazerne en de opslag van militaire logistiek, en in 1834 bouwde een modern fort in Ambarawa, die later werd genoemd Fort Willem I de bouw eindigde in 1845. Niet veel dat kan worden gewonnen over de geschiedenis van Fort William I's, en sommige bronnen zeggen dat dit fort was een militaire kazerne KNIL met de trein verbonden met Magelang / Yogyakarta en Semarang. In het algemeen werd het fort gebouwd door het principe van een sterke defensieve en die bestemd zijn voor de verdediging tegen vijandelijke aanvallen. Vaak vond ook gebouwd loopgraven rond het fort te verdedigen maximaliseren.

Maar dit bleek Fort Willem heb ik een ander ontwerp. Met veel ramen, zeker niet in het ontwerp van dit fort voor de verdediging. Mogelijkheid was een militaire kazerne en opslagplaats voor militaire logistiek. In dit kasteel zijn ook niet uitgerust gebouw als een schild. En geen spoor van de eerste opening aan de top van de piek en de vestingmuren van de Portugese fort dat is ontworpen om het kanon te zetten.
driver yogyakarta


contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F


Sikunir Sunrise, Dieng Plateau

Sikunir Sunrise, Dieng Plateau - Sikunir mountain scenery has advantages that are very tempting with its double sunrise and the shadow of Mount Sindoro. Sunrise is very different from its existing in Tieng view post or anywhere else, by his so-called GOLDEN SUNRISE. Because the pattern of light that make up a shadow between Mount Sindoro, Sumbing, Merbabu and Merapi.
Enjoying Dieng Plateau was never ended, moreove if you didn't visit and see Sikunir Sunrise at arround 2.400 ASL...the scenery was really great !! You just need to stay a night at Dieng Plateau, and I have kind place for you to stay in best place (see below).
Sikunir Sunrise
Sikunir Sunrise

I suggestion that after you finished tour at Yogyakarta arround 2 PM, then you directly go to Dieng (arround 3.5 - 4 hours from Yogyakarta). After you spend a cold night there, we start at 3.45 AM to Sikunir Sunrise at Sembungan Village, Dieng by car. From last parking car then you will walk arround 30 minutes to reach the top of Sikunir. You will be guided by local guide to show you the way to the top Sikunir. Cost for local guide arround IDR 100 K for 1 group ( max 4 person ).
Sikunir sunrise
Sikunir sunrise

After saw the sunrise then we see third major tourism destination : Sikidang Crater, Color Lake - also Batu Pandang, and Arjuna temple complex. Ticket for that all destinations : IDR 50 K per-person
Carica driver yogya
Carica driver yogya

In Dieng Plateau there is culinary products namely : CARICA. Karika or mountain papaya (written often : Carica), Vasconcellea cundinamarcensis, syn. Carica pubescens [1], Carica quercifolia, Carica goudotiana [2] [3], and Cariaca candamarcensis [2] [3]) is a relative of the papaya liked plateau state wet, 1500-3000 m above sea level. This plant in Wonosobo district called Carica, and in Bali this plant called Gedang Memedi [3]. Region of origin is the high Andes, South America.    >> by Wikipedia
Mountain papaya
Mountain papaya

Mountain papaya ( "carica" ) was introduced to Indonesia on the eve of World War II by the Dutch colonial government, and successfully developed in the Dieng Plateau. Now "Carica" became one of the unique souvenirs from the area. This fruit can be used as syrup, juice, sweets, and jams.

driver yogyakarta


contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F


Selasa, 17 September 2013

Pangandaran Beach Tour - Specific Package

Pangandaran Beach Tour Specific Package -  Pangandaran beach, not just a beach with all its beauty, panorama, beach games, but also has other tourist destination is also not less interesting are located around the Pangandaran beach : The Green Canyon, Breeding Sea Turtles, Shark Rocks
Pangandaram Beach
Pangandaram Beach

>> the Green Canyon

Green Canyon is Pangandaran's number one attraction. It's a boating activity by green emerald river to a jungle look-alike and stop after 15 minutes sailing to hike into a gorgeous cave which connected to the estuary.
the Green Canyon

For those of you who want to enjoy the beach Pangandaran and second destinations around the beach, we made ​​a trip package as follows:
> Yogyakarta departing from maximum at  8 AM and arrive arround 4-5 PM at Pangandaran see sunset
> After check in hotel, free time
> Next day, 7.30 AM start to Green Canyon and then to the sea turtle breeding (check out the hotel directly)
> 11 or 12 AM start back to Yogyakarta, and arrive at Yogyakarta arround 9 PM
the Green Canyon

Yogyakarta - Pangandaran takes 8 - 9 hours driving car. So, the cost for this trip : IDR 1.500.000 (only for car,driver,petrol,parking) and IDR 50.000 per-person for going to Green Canyon and Breeding Sea Turtles. It will be more efficient if you book for this trip in 4-5 persons. You have 4 person in your group means IDR 375.000 each other for transportation to Pangandaran, or IDR 300.000 if 5 persons. That's really efficient price for that far distance.

driver yogyakarta


contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F


Minggu, 01 September 2013

Mount Merapi Tour Package

Mount Merapi Tour Package - Mount Merapi volcano scenery was exicting to see and visit because we can see the rest of last eruption of Merapi (year 2010). Even if you are not a serious hiker or climber, you should try the short hike towards Mount Merapi and find yourself amidst the leftovers of houses and such after the recent volcano eruption in 2010. You will find yourself humbled by the immensity of nature’s wrath and how people respond to it bravely. If you reach the place of Mbah Maridjan, you will learn how a keeper of spirits stood by his duty even when the volcano erupted. Now, nothing to fear while on vacation to Kaliadem - Merapi and the best choose that you can take :

  • a. Arrivial at merapi lava tour in early morning (maximum at 8 AM) because after 9 .30 the top of Merapi volcano always started covered by cloud (mostly)
  • b. Hire the adventure jeep. With hire the jeep, you can pass the adventure area that have beautiful sight and can not reach by normal car. You would better to hire in 2 hours merapi volcano adventure package. And there are 2 familiar packages : IDR 300 K (1,5 hour) or 400 K (2,5 hours) adventure tour jeep (see photos below). You will be look arround Kaliadem area with experience jeep adventure driver. With coming there and also hire the jeep means you allready help for villages there because they weren't become as a farmer anymore after Merapi eruptions and mostly they doing bussiness in jeep tourism.


contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F
