Borobudur Golden Sunrise Tours

Sunrise view from this hill is very beautiful with the foreground and the emergence of Borobudur temple at sunrise or between mountain peaks Merbabu and mount Merapi.

Welcome to Bromo Sunrise Tour

Bromo is one of favourite tourist destinatioan in Java especially in East Java.

Pindul Cave Tubbing - Yogyakarta Adventure Tourism

Cave tubing tour in Pindul you should not miss when you travel in Yogyakarta.

What to see in Yogyakarta ?

Yogyakarta offers beautiful natural scenery to be seen and enjoyed.

Yogyakarta Java

Yogyakarta Special Province (DIY) is a tourist destination that is very diverse culture including archaeological remains .

Malioboro Street

Malioboro Street is the street name in the city of Yogyakarta, which stretches from Tugu Yogyakarta up to the intersection of Post Office Yogyakarta which consists as imaginary lines Kraton shaft.

Prambanan temple

Prambanan Temple Compounds. Built in the 10th century, this is the largest temple compound dedicated to Shiva in Indonesia.

Taman Sari Water Castle

Taman Sari also known as Taman Sari Water Castle is a site of a former royal garden of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta

Cycling Tours and Villages Tourism Activity In Yogyakarta

Cling Tours is a Tour and travel company which especially provides Cycling Tours and Villages Tours Activity Package in Yogyakarta. Traveler can enjoy and feel amazing adventure village activities..

Java Heritage Tour

TOUR AND TRANSPORT SERVICES contact: Agus Rohmad Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 52295EEC Email:

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Kamis, 21 November 2013

Borobudur Temple - How to build it ?

We extracted from various sources about the Borobudur to help you in understanding the work of Indonesian people that time, who already do understand management of construction and have very beautiful art. Visit Borobudur temple also hundreds if not thousands of other temples in Yogyakarta and surrounding areas.
Borobudur Temple Map
Borobudur Temple Map
Borobudur Temple  - How to build it ?
Borobudur Temple  - How to build it ?

  1. Shape of the building. The temple is a square-shaped footprint length +/- 123 m, width +/- 123 m, height +/- 42 m, wide 15.129 m2
  2. The volume of primary material. The main material of this temple is high berporositas andesite with a specific gravity 1,6 - 2,0 t/m3. It is estimated there are 55,000 m3 of stone formers temple or approximately 2 million rock with rock sizes ranging from 25 x 10 x 15 cm. Weight per piece of rock about 7.5 to 10 kg.
  3. Building construction. Borobudur is a pile of rocks placed on top of a mound at its core, so it is not a massive pile of rocks. Soil core also deliberately terraces steps and the top flattened to put the rock temple.
  4. Each stone spliced ​​without using cement or adhesive. These stones are only connected by patterns and stacked.
  5. All the stones taken from the river around the Borobudur Temple.
  6. Borobudur temple is a building complex views of the parts are built. Consists of 10 levels which is square and level 1-6 the rest of the round. The temple walls are filled with pictures as much relief 1.460 panels. There are 505 statues that complement the temple.
  7. Estimated implementation time period. No information is accurate. However, some sources say that Borobudur was built starting in 824 AD - 847 AD.
  8. Construction of the temple is done gradually. Initially built storey apartment layout. It seems designed as a terraced pyramid. but later changed. As there is evidence that demolished apartment layout. The second stage Borobudur foundation widened, plus two square steps and one step directly circle given the huge main stupa. The third stage, the railroad circle with a large main stupa dismantled and removed and replaced three railroad circles. Stupas built on top of these steps with a large stupa in the centre.Fourth stage, there are minor changes, namely making relief and making changes to the ladder above the entrance arch.
  9. One thing that is unique, it turns out that this temple has interesting architecture or structured format in mathematics. each bagain legs, body and head of the temple always has a ratio of 4 : 6 : 9. Stupanya placements also has special meaning, plus the expected relief part berkatian with astronomy makes Borobudur is an interesting historical evidence for the observed.
  10. Number of stupas in Arupadhatu level (not at the summit stupa count) are: 32, 24, 26, which has a regular comparison, ie 4 : 3 : 2, and everything is divisible by 8. Height stupa at three levels of TSB. Are: 1.9 m, 1.8 m, respectively different only 10 cm. So is the diameter of the stupas, having the same exact size as well with the high: 1.9 m, 1.8 m, 1.7 m.
  11. Some numbers in Borobudur, when added together the numbers will end up being number 1 again. Alleged that it was made ​​so that could be interpreted: the number 1 symbolizes the One the Adhi Buddha. Number of levels of Borobudur was 10, the numbers in the 10 when added together result: 1 + 0 = 1. Arupadhatu number of stupas in which there are no idols: 32 + 24 + 16 + 1 = 73, number 73 when added together result: as above 10 and 1 + 0 = 10. Number of statues in Borobudur total of 505 pieces. When the numbers in it are summed, the result is 5 + 0 + 5 = 10 and also as above 1 + 0 = 1.
  12. stone temple size is approximately 25 x 10 x 15 cm with a weight of rock types is 1.6 to 2 ton/m3, this means the weight per piece of rock just about maximum 7.5 kg (for 2 t/m3 density). Pieces of stone was very mild. For such a heavy rock, it does not need any technology. The problem that may arise is slanted terrain that must be taken. Sloping terrain physics make the load seems to be heavier. This is due to the decomposition of force causes no horizontal load parallel slope that must be borne. But with the fact that the weight per piece of stone is only 7.5 kg, it issues a sloping terrain terraces (beundak) the steps do not matter. The conclusion is the process of transporting the stone pieces are simple and do not need any technology.
  13. Source material is taken from the river rocks around the temple. This means that the distance between the quarry and the site is very close. Although the number reached 2.000.000 pieces, but each piece of stone material severity and proximity of transport, this means the transport process can be done easily without the need for specific technologies.
  14. The temple was built in the time period long enough. Some say 23 years some say 92 years. If the fastest assume 23 years. Let us count the stone mounting about productivity. If the land preparation and early material was 2 years old, then the installation of the stone age is 21 years or 7.665 days. There are 2 million pieces of stone. Productivity stone installation is 2.000.000/7.665 = 261 stones / day. This feels very little productivity. Do not need any way to produce the small productivity. Moreover, using the data execution duration is longer.
  15. Borobudur seen physically so impressive. It has 10 floors with square and circular shapes. Has reliefs along the walls and statues in large numbers. The temple is so concerned philosophy contained in the measures. This proves that the temple was built with the concept of design was quite good.
  16. Borobudur temple is also seen complex views of architectural design consists of 10 levels which is square and level 1-6 the rest of the round. The temple walls are filled with pictures as much relief 1460 panels. There are 504 statues that complement the temple. This is definitely not a job that's easy to design and implementation. Borobudur temple valuable conclusions from either side of the design of civil engineering and architecture art requires careful planning and management of the design aspects and how to implement it. I concluded that this temple was built by the project management has been pretty good.


contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F


Rabu, 20 November 2013

Dieng Plateau, the oldest Hindu temples in Java

Dieng Plateau, the oldest Hindu temples in Java - The lofty plateau of Dieng (2093 ASL) is peace home to some of the Hindu temples in Java Islands. Name Dieng comes from Di Hyang (= abode of the Gods) and it's thought that this area once the site of flourishing temple-city of priests.

Most of the temples were built between the 8th - 9th centuries, covered the highland plain, but with the mysterious depopulation of Central Java, this site, was abandoned and forgotten. The eight remaining temples are characteristic of early Central Javanese architecture : stark and quite squat. Until 1856 the archaeologist Van Kinsbergen drained the flooded valley around the temples and catalogued the ruins.

Dieng's beautiful landscape is the main reason to make the long journey to this region. Any number of walks across the volcanically active plateau, the marshy caldera of a collapsed volcano, mineral lakes, steaming craters or even the highest village in Java : Sembungan Village (2300 m ASL) that has awesome attractive sunrise seeing at Mount Sikunir.

If you want to go to Dieng and want to fully enjoying the beautiful landscape, scenery, sunrise, crater, temples, I recomended if you stay overnight at Dieng. Means, after you finished at Borobudur in the morning then you continued straight go to Dieng. So, please you make discuss with us before you make any booking hotels during you are in Yogyakarta for completelly visit Dieng Plateau.

driver yogyakarta


contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F


Sabtu, 16 November 2013

Yogyakarta Airport Transport Agus

Yogyakarta Airport Transport AgusKami ada di Yogyakarta untuk melayani tamu-tamu Yogyakarta. Bagi Anda yang akan mengunjungi Yogyakarta melalui penerbangan dan mendarat di Adisucipto Airport (Yogyakarta Airport), kami telah siap jika Anda menginginkan memakai jasa transport kami untuk menuju hotel, atau rumah, atau tujuan manapun.

Anda cukup menghubungi kami untuk membuat kesepakatan harga dan janjian pertemuan sesuai jadwal kedatangan penerbangan Anda. Jika Anda berada diluar negeri, Anda dapat mengirimkan SMS atau jika memungkinkan mengirimkan email order penjemputan yang berisi nama lengkap, nomor penerbangan, tanggal, dan jumlah personil yang bersama Anda.

Kami menyediakan jenis kendaraan standard, yaitu Avanza, Xenia, Luxio. Namun jika Anda menginginkan jenis Innova, Pregio, Elf, Micro Bus, kamipun juga siap melayani. Harga dua jenis kendaraan tersebut tentu berbeda, dan dalam kesempatan ini kami sajikan harga untuk jenis kendaraan (mobil) standard beserta tujuan nya (hanya drop off saja) :
  1. Yogyakarta airport transport ke Yogyakarta kota (dalam ringroad) Rp 100.000,-
  2. Yogyakarta airport transport ke Magelang kota (alun-alun) Rp 300.000,-
  3. Yogyakarta airport transport ke Sleman kota (maksimum Polres Sleman) Rp 150.000,-
  4. Yogyakarta airport transport ke Kulonprogo kota (terminal) Rp 225.000,-
  5. Yogyakarta airport transport ke Bantul kota (maksimum Polres Bantul) Rp 225.000,-
  6. Yogyakarta airport transport ke Wonosari kota (alun2) Rp 300.000,-
  7. Yogyakarta airport transport ke Klaten kota (terminal) Rp 200.000,-
  8. Yogyakarta airport transport ke Purworejo kota (alun2) Rp 350.000,-
  9. Yogyakarta airport transport ke Solo kota (Balai Kota) Rp 300.000,-
  10. Tujuan lain mohon dikonfirmasikan terlebih dahulu
Catatan :
a. Biaya diatas termasuk mobil, BBM, sopir, tidak termasuk parkir
b. Jika diluar tujuan diatas mohon dikonfirmasikan kepada kami terlebih dahulu
c. Maksimal penumpang untuk kendaraan standard : 6 orang
d. Jenis kendaraan standar yang akan dipakai menyesuaikan ketersediaan mobil saat tanggal penjemputan, dan menyesuaikan jumlah penumpang.
e. Jika menghendaki memakai Innova/Pregio/Elf mohon mengkonfirmasikan,dan harga pun berbeda dengan jenis mobil standard.

Cara booking/reservasi ? :
Silahkan langsung menguhubungi kami:

driver yogyakarta


contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F


Sabtu, 09 November 2013

Yogyakarta Culinary

Yogyakarta Culinary - Visiting Yogyakarta not complete if you do not hunt culinary, because one of the ways to identify with complete of tourist destination is exploring the culinary in place. Indeed, if we hunt culinary then let us not make your standard form of eating places, but the taste and feel of traditional Yogyakarta distinctive touch is what you will get.

You remain to choose according to your appetite and which has mood to you. Usually when you reach Yogyakarta, surely is GUDEG which we look for first time. Correct in Jakarta or other town, this food truly disperse everywhere and have become icon separate for town Yogyakarta and through this article you'd be invited circle to see that Yogyakarta not merely gudeg which searched for, there are many food type again that can invite your eat appetite. Enjoy the food in Yogyakarta truly preoccupy.

Perhaps there is a certain culinary available in swanky restaurant and well air-conditioned, but the traditional touch that complements the culinary certainly not as precise moment when we eat these culinary in its original place. Although you might encounter in your country just a cozy restaurant, but if you are in Yogyakarta really want to enjoy culinary specialties, so do not hesitate to try it.

Culinary dishes that I mention below are generally only found in Yogyakarta, if any in other cities it may not be the same, especially if it added about eating atmosphere.Some culinary Yogyakarta that we are trying to show :

a. Gudeg

Gudeg is a traditional Indonesian recipe, originally comes from Yogyakarta, Central Java. This traditional recipe is the most famous dish of jackfruit curry in combination with some eggs and chicken. Very delicious despite how it looks. Don't bother about the looks, it's not as appetizing as it taste. Believe me, once you've taste the dish, you'll be sell forever. Price from IDR 20 depend on the content of gudeg. The famous one is : Gudeg Yu Jum, and try at the first place she started, that place nearby Gadjah Mada University.
b. Klathak Satay

The mention of this sate themselves take on the term "klatak" natural meaning. The word is also taken of the sound 'klatak-klatak' of burning flesh.
Sate klathak derived from goat meat. In contrast to the satay in general that burned with a smear of soy sauce, satay klatak burned only with natural ingredients. Sate just smeared salt before being burned. However, now coupled with the garlic, hazelnut. Savory garlic flavor really seep into the satay. Do not forget, dip it in soy sauce served separately to add sweetness to savory satay. Soy sauce is made from tamarind water, lime leaves, palm sugar, and red onion.
Talk of price, quite cheap, which is IDR 20 K per-share.

b. Bakmi KADIN

The name "Kadin" selected noodle stall vendors located across the street from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Special Region of Yogyakarta whether intentional or accidental. Chamber of Commerce is also an abbreviation of the name Kasidin Karto owner and founder of the famous shop. Chamber of Commerce has been serving noodle fans since 1947, no wonder this one noodle stall in the category legend Yogyakarta.

c. Mangut Lele Mbah Marto  ( "dazed catfish" Mbah Marto)

The actual location of shops behind the Indonesian Art Institute campus, about 7 kilometers south of Yogyakarta city center.
Shop building was not like most stalls. More accurately described as a house used as a tavern. With the living room, the middle, and a terrace fitted with tables and chairs, buyers who come straight into the kitchen to take their own food demand. Various dishes - rice, vegetables, warm, Opor chicken, krecek, tamarind fierce, and of course the mainstay dazed catfish - served on a sling (halls) bamboo. Each was placed in a large pot.

In the kitchen, too, Mbah Marto, assisted numerous children and relatives, cooking food over a fire made ​​from wood stove. Not surprisingly, the kitchen walls and roofs blackened by smoke. However, even with a dish and enjoy the atmosphere of the kitchen as it was, created a sensation for the buyer.

In addition to culinary above, there are several other distinctive culinary Yogyakarta, for example: BRONGKOS BU PADMO, SOTO KADIPIRO, AYAM GORENG SUHARTI, SOTO PAK MARTO - TAMANSARI, and many more


contact: Agus Rohmad 

Telp: +62 819 155 342 86 Pin BB: 7493883F
